Thursday, August 29, 2013

The True Meaning Of Love

From the very beginning, the girl'sfamily objected strongly on herdating this guy. Saying that it hasgot todo with family background & that thegirl will have to suffer for therest of her life if she were to bewith him.Due to family's pressure, thecouple quarrel very often. Though thegirl love the guy deeply, but shealways ask him: 'How deep is your lovefor me?'As the guy is not good with hiswords, this often causes the girl tobe very upset. With that & thefamily's pressure, the girls oftenvent her anger on him. As for him, heonly endure it in silence.After a couple of years, the guyfinally graduated & decided to furtherhis studies in overseas. Beforeleaving, he proposed to the girl: 'I'mnot very good with words. But all Iknow is that I love you. If you allowme, I will take care of you for therest of my life. As for your family,I'll try my best to talk themround. Will you marry me?'The girl agreed, & with the guy'sdetermination,the family finally gavein & agreed to let them get married.So before he leaves, they got engaged.The girl went out to the workingsociety, where as the guy was overseas,continuing his studies. They senttheir love through emails &phone calls. Though it's hard, butboth never thought of giving up.One day, while the girl was on herway to work,she was knocked down by acar that lost control. When she wokeup, she saw her parents beside herbed. She realized that she was badlyinjured. Seeing her mum crying, shewanted to comfort her. But she realizedthat all that could come out of hermouth was just a sigh.She has lost her voice...... Thedoctor says that the impact on herbrain has caused her to lose her voice.Listening to her parents' comfort,butwith nothing coming out from her, shebroke down. During the stay inhospital, besides silence cry'sstill just silence cry that companiedher.Upon reaching home, everythingseems to be the same. Except for theringing tone of the phone. Whichpierced into her heart every time itrang.She does not wish to let the guyknow & not wanting to be a burden tohim,she wrote a letter to him sayingthat she does not wish to wait anylonger.With that, she sent the ring backto him. In return, the guy sentmillions & millions of reply, andcountless of phone calls, all the girlcould do, besides crying, is stillcrying....The parents decided to move away,hoping that she could eventuallyforget everything & be happy. With anew environment, the girl learns signlanguage & started a new life. Tellingher everyday that she must forget theguy.One day, her friend came & told herthat he's back. She asked her friendnot to let him know what happenedto her. Since then, there wasn'tanymore news of him.A year has passed & her friend camewith an envelope, containing aninvitation card for the guy'swedding. The girl was shattered. Whenshe open the letter, she saw her namein it instead.When she was about to ask herfriend what's going on, she saw theguy standing in front of her. He usedsign language telling her 'I've spenta year's time to learn sign language.Just to let you know that I've notforgotten our promise. Let me have thechance to be your voice. I Love You.With that, he slipped the ring backinto her finger. The girl finallysmiled.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Watashi wa anata ga inakute totemo sabishiidesu

I miss her so much. I hope she's with me. The one girl that i've ever truly fell in love with.